Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Blogging 101--Intro

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Welcome to Blogging 101! This post and the ones that follow are part of a professional development session that I am doing for a group of teachers in my school district. The aim of the session it to introduce participants to blogs and illustrate how blogging can enhance on-going teacher professional development by facilitating communication and collaboration with teachers from around the world.

By the end of the session participants should be able to:
  1. search for blogs of interest
  2. subscribe to blogs in a feed reader
  3. submit comments to a blog
  4. set up their own blog
  5. write their first blog post
I have posted all of the resources for the session on this blog. All of the posts have the label or tag blogging 101.

I hope that this series of posts will be of interest not just to people attending my session, but also to people starting out blogging and those who are looking for resources to help introduce blogging to their colleagues. Any comments or suggestions you have to improve the info here are welcome!

Now, onto the next post!

*This post, and the rest of this series will no doubt undergo some modifications prior to the Aug 28th blogging session as I tweak it.*

This is post #1 in the 'blogging 101' series.

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