Friday, April 25, 2008

Comments Now Available To All

When I set up this blog, I forgot to make it so that anybody on the www could comment. I've changed the settings now, so please do comment! If you haven't commented on a blog before, here's how you do it on this blog. At the end of the blog post there is a comments link which you need to click.

or it may look like this

Then you are taken to the comments window. Follow the image below as I go through the steps. Step 1: if you'd like to be notified of follow up comments--particularly useful if you've asked a question ;-), check the 'e-mail follow up comments to' and ensure that your correct e-mail address is there. Your address will not be posted with your comment. Step 2: Once you've typed in your comment, you need to choose an identity. If you do not have a Google/Blogger account, you'll probably choose 'Name/URL'. What you type in for your name really depends on how you want to be recognized on-line. I usually give my full name, a lot of people just give their first name, and still others use a 'handle'. Step 3: click on 'Publish Your Comment'. You're done!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new blog. Here's your blog gift. I've added it to my Google Reader and look forward to your posts since I'm a Gooogle-a-holic.

Claire Thompson said...

Thanks Sue! Now isn't that 2 blog gifts; leaving a comment and adding us to your Google Reader?

BTW, I'm looking forward to the comment challenge.

Shelley said...

Great use of screen shots here; talk about making commenting easy!

I do wonder about the title; not sure what Pro-D means.

Out here exposing my ignorance (again) for the sake of learning!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're excited about the Challenge - we've had excellent response. Although I'm already feeling tired (been a lot of organising).

Claire Thompson said...

Hi Shelley, thanks for checking out this blog! Pro-D refers to Professional Development (basically extra training/learning to improve professional practice). Guess I've fallen into the trap of using too many short forms and TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) :-)

Claire Thompson said...

Oh, here's the link to the Comment Challenge that Sue and I have been referring to.

Shelley said...

Hi, Claire, I'm back! Thanks for the acronym clarification. :-)

Thank you, too for your comment on my recent post re: educators managing their digital identity... the link in your post goes right back to mine, though, when I think you probably meant for it to go somewhere else...

Try, try again?

Anonymous said...

Hi, Claire!
Thank you for your Blog! It is very useful to me, as I've just started learning about web 2.0 and school.
It's easy for me to fulfill the requested activities for today because I've almost never posted a comment in any of the blogs engaged in Comment Challenge!
I'm also having a great time even laughing at myself, because I've the feeling to be learning very practical and wonderful things, but, at the same time, they never seem to work with me, when I try them, and then, somehow, without me fully understanding, they suddenly work!
I surely will be visiting your blog soon, with my young students, to learn more about using our friend Google; thank you again.

Claire Thompson said...

Hi inpi, I'm glad you've found this blog useful. Good luck with the comment challenge!

Alison said...

Great new blog, I'm going to end up learning something about this blogging business if I'm not careful!

One more site for Google Reader!

Claire Thompson said...

Hey Alison, thanks for checking it out!